Recently, I worked with a remote leadership team who took a risk with vulnerability.
Vulnerability is key to remote teams resolving business challenges
Their vulnerability was achieved in raising and diagnosing key business challenges, discussing the issues deeply and working to understand them. They set aside their own defensiveness and fragility.
The numbers are down, they are under significant pressure and are tired, pummelled by ongoing events and incessant demands, juggling a myriad of complex issues, and facing even more change.
Vulnerability transforms remote teams, enabling highly effective outcomes
There are questions that need answers. Nothing easy, far beyond flippant assumptions or worse, political game playing at the expense of colleagues.
The circumstances are beyond that.
The questions wait, ‘elephants’ now, once small issues but fed over time on distraction, politics, and avoidance.
When it happened it started slowly, with real courage entering the dynamic, a level of authenticity and ownership that was refreshing and real.
It started to flow and then broke over this team, leaving them connected as a team and relieved that the issues had been aired.
Listening emerged, not the assumption of listening, distracted and self-absorbed but grounded in humility, curiosity and understanding.
Listening that emerges when someone is courageous and brave enough to call the issues out.
Clarifying both the issue and the underlying feeling.
Vulnerability is ‘business critical’ for remote teams, enabling trust, resolving challenges
Addressing the real issues and how it happened, enabling understanding, awareness, accountability, and ownership.
The values that build trust, connecting people, resolving challenges, and a focus on sustaining results!
Listening that creates a team…you know who you are…hats off to all of you!